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Wednesday Wisdom & Wit | 11/10/21

11/10/2021 03:00:46 PM


Rabbi Daniel Sherman

As I look at this week’s calendar, three particular dates jump out at me: Nov. 9, 11, and 13.  Let me explain.

            November 9 marks the 83rd anniversary of Kristallnacht – the “Night of Broken Glass” in Germany, which began a new level of atrocities committed against the Jews of Germany and the entire region.  This was a turning point and a date that many people point to as the beginning of the Holocaust: the systematic genocide of the Jewish people in Europe.  There are not many people alive today who lived through and who can remember Kristallnacht.  That makes it even more important for us to remember and to retell what happened on that day in 1938 and everything that followed.  It is up to us to stand up and to fight against anti-Semitism, as well as prejudice, bigotry, hatred and violence of all types – which are all again on the rise here in our country and around the world.  May the memory of Kristallnacht inspire us to act and never to forget.

            Tomorrow is Veterans’ Day, another important day on the calendar.  It is important for us to thank the brave men and women who make up our armed services and who have sacrificed so much to serve and defend our country.  We thank all of those who have served our country and who continue to serve – we are grateful for your commitment and service.  May God bless the United States of America and all of our veterans.

            And finally, November 13 – the date on which Ezra Terk will become a Bar Mitzvah.  Ezra is our first Bar or Bat Mitzvah of 5782 here at Temple, and we are very proud of him and excited for him and his family.  All of us here at Temple wish Ezra a hearty “MAZAL TOV!”

            I hope everyone is having a good week.  I look forward to seeing you for our Wednesday Night Live discussion this evening as we continue our class on “What Jews Believe – Torah and Mitzvot” at 7:00pm over Zoom.  Tomorrow I invite you to join me for our Thursday Lunch Discussion over Zoom at 12:30pm.  And I would love to see more people join us for Shabbat Services on Friday evening at 6:00pm and Saturday morning at 10:30am.

            Take care and I hope to see you soon!

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785