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Wednesday Wisdom & Wit

01/12/2022 03:00:56 PM


Rabbi Daniel Sherman

This is my first Wednesday Message of 2022.  So let me begin by wishing everyone a happy and healthier New Year.  I know we are off to a shaky start.  It is scary to see our current COVID numbers in our city and community.  Again, I want to urge everyone to be safe and smart: let’s be sure that everyone who is eligible is vaccinated and boosted, and that we are all wearing our masks and avoiding large gatherings.  This latest strand of COVID is so very contagious – please be careful.  To all who are sick, we wish you a complete and speedy recovery.

            We are being extra careful at Temple right now.  Masks are required for everyone inside the building.  We have no receptions or meals planned at Temple for the time being.  We are continuing to offer our Shabbat Evening Services both in person and on-line.  We request that everyone attending worship services provide proof of vaccination status and practice social distancing.  Our Shabbat Morning Services and Torah Study will remain only on-line this month.

            We delayed the beginning of Religious School for our students one week.  This Sunday we will celebrate the upcoming holiday of Tu Bishevat – the birthday of the trees – with an outdoor visit to the Botanical Gardens in City Park.  We hope it will be an educational and fun (and not too cold) start to the new semester.  In honor of Tu Bishevat, I hope that everyone will consider “Going Green” and take steps not only to appreciate but also to protect our beautiful earth and environment.

            Our Adult Education classes and discussions will continue online only this month.  This evening I will begin a new class: “What Jews Believe, Part III – The People of Israel.”  We will continue our study of Jewish beliefs.  Having begun with our beliefs in God and Torah, we will shift our focus to what does it mean to be Jewish and to be a part of the Jewish people today.  Tonight we will ask, “Who is a Jew?”  I hope you will plan on joining me on Zoom at 7:00pm.

            It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we lost our beloved Executive Director Emeritus, Herbert Barton, z’l.  We will honor and remember Mr. Barton at a special Shabbat Service this Friday evening, January 14.  I hope you will plan on joining us in-person or on-line as we remember all that Mr. Barton meant to Temple Sinai.  Rabbi Cohn and I will lead the service together, and we will be joined by Dr. Marcus St. Julien and a vocal quartet for some special music.

            There is lots that we have planned for 2022 at Temple Sinai.  I hope you will check with our Monthly Bulletin, our website, and our weekly email messages for the most up-to-date information on all that is happening at Temple.

            Please stay well, stay safe, stay connected, and I hope to see you soon!

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785