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Wednesday Wisdom & Wit

04/20/2022 02:28:00 PM


Rabbi Daniel Sherman

I hope that everyone is enjoying Passover this year.  That’s right – it’s not over yet.  Though for many of us, we have moved from the “yummy” stage of Matzah to the “crummy” days of Matzah!  This evening is already the 6th Night of Passover – only one more evening after that.  Passover ends Friday evening with the beginning of Shabbat (except for those who choose to celebrate eight days of Passover, for whom Passover will end Saturday evening).

Speaking of Friday evening, we have a very special service this week.  Please join us for Sisterhood Shabbat on Friday, April 20.  The service will be led by members of our Temple Sinai Sisterhood, whom we will honor and thank for all that they do for our congregation and community.  Our Vocal Ensemble will also participate and help to lead some special music for our service.  Following services, we will gather in the auditorium for an Oneg Shabbat reception.

Please join me this evening for Wednesday Night Live at 7:00pm on Zoom as we will continue to discuss Passover celebrations and traditions.

Chag Sameach – Happy Passover!

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784